Rx Assure

Our Rx Assure Quality Assurance platform provides you with everything you need to monitor and improve quality throughout your pharmacy. Identify filling problems before they get out of hand, and track important metrics over time to see how your pharmacy is performing!

Medicare Plan Finder

Let's face it: finding the best Medicare plan for residents of nursing homes or long-term care facilities is painful. We can take that pain away. Our automated solution can find the best plans for all your residents, just give it a simple Excel spreadsheet, and let our intelligent bot do the rest!

Pharmacy Connect

Your pharmacy fills a lot of prescriptions for many different facilities. Those facilities want to see the status of their orders. Our Pharmacy Connect solution makes it easy for doctors, nurses, and other facility staff to track the status of their orders while also eliminating the burden of manual notifications from your own staff.


We're still working on our site (as you can see!) If you would like more information about one of our solutions, please contact us, and we'll be happy to discuss our applications or show you a demo!